Thursday, 6 September 2012

Introducing WILL CRAWSHAW... Headliner at East Project's 2nd Birthday!

Introducing WILL CRAWSHAW... Headliner at East Project's 2nd Birthday!

He is resident and firm favourite at one of Leed's smoothest brands, "BeatStreet".  Most recently he has had 2 beatport top 20's, 4 other Beatport top 100's and has been charted by the likes of NTFO, Miguel Puente and Rebel......  Anyway, enough of all that!!

First picking up on Will Crawshaw thanks to his Soundcloud page and a number of his early releases and mixes, it was no surprise to find out this guy finds himself based in Leeds.  Taking his favourite elements and influences from House, Techno and all things Electronic, Will manages to produce tracks and create mixes that are firmly bases for the dance floor, yet keeping his melange of beats deep and fun all at the same time!

For a perfect example of this, check the Podcast he specifically recorded in anticipation of his headline set:

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you are up to at the moment?

How do!  Well, me?  21 year old green smokin, music producer from Leeds, been DJ-ing since I was 13, producing since 16.  Gone through all the motions with different genre's over the years and now currently playing around with all things electronic, groovy and techy.  Love pushing the boat out and trying new things.  I ain't no one trick pony...

At the moment, I'm currently indulging in the finer sounds of techno and deep house, being inspired every day.  Working on some exciting new music and projects, also a few collaborations that will be revealed later this year.

Fav city and gig you have played?

Ooo, right, tough one really!  I get opportunities to play at some amazing parties all over the world, but probably this year's season in Ibiza with my Beatstreet brothers, we put on a boat party which was absolutely tits!  Had it rammed and the vibe was next level!

But other gigs to mention that stand out are in Oslo at Bollywood Dancing, Sankeys in Manchester earlier this year and also kickin' it with the Real Nice boys at Lightbox in London.  All wicked gigs, mad vibes, top people.

You have joined the "Kumasi Music" crew, tell us how you got involved with that?

Well it's all come about as they've been quite forward thinking and snapped up a lot of my good friends from in and about Leeds, that are all smashing out great music at the moment. Seems to be word of mouth as we all support one another.

Leeds seems to be producing so many good artists at present, Miguel Campbell, Burnski, Robert James, Matt Fear and so on. What are you guys doing so differently up there?

Leeds is where it's at, hands down.  We're one big family, we all know each other from partying and playing together.  All supporting each others sounds, it's such a creative and diverse city, there's something for everyone. You don't even know the half of what's going on in the home studios in Leeds, everyone's bang on it.  Making music for the love of the music and not for any other reason.

A perfect example of this is Love Not Money Records, run by good friend Luke Pompey.  He's created a perfect platform for a lot of the Leeds artists to get stuff out on and be proud of a wicked release.  Big things coming for the LNM crew, including a release from myself.

What can East Project expect from a Will Crawshaw set?

You can expect a journey through all things electronic, weird, wonderful with a deep edge and a few sprinklings of techno goodness.  I play music you can dance to, that you can feel, I try creating them moments on a night out that people talk about for days after.  Hope you're all ready. Hold on to your wigs!

Last one...   What is your drink of choice?

Hmm... A bottle of Agwa? or hit me with a jagerbomb.  Other than than, favorite steady drink is vanilla vodka with coke, plenty of ice, and a fat slice of lime.  Boosh.

Look forward to seeing you in October!

Me too, let's party. Much love x

Fri 12th October - 8pm to 2am
The Start of Bethnal Green